Quality for us is not just collecting records. It is commitment to work since quality means effective business.
1. Traceability from raw material receipt up to packaging and expedition of final production.
Quality production starts with the raw material selection at purchasing stage and its receipt control. Before being accepted in the wharehouse, the received raw material is subject to an incoming control. The information concerning the material is entered into a dedicated form in a paper copy as well as into the computer according to the ISO 9001 requirements.2. Team commitment.
During the stage of quotation submission and before order implementation, the managers themselves, together with the quality inspectors, the production manager and our highly trained CNC set-up operators asses your drawings to make sure that they put your part on the correct machine with the right tooling. It is done with the purpose of productivity optimization while doing no compromise in quality.3. Three-stage production control.
During the order implementation, the products’ quality is controlled in three stages – primary, intermediate and final control. The geometric and strength characteristics of the details are being checked as well as their compliance with the drawings requirements. For that purpose, the following instruments are being used – caliber, caliper-gauge, profile-projector – for geometric parameters control, and automatic compression, extension and torsion spring testers or springs fatigue examination stand – for strength characteristics control.4. Accompanying documentation.
Expedition of the end product is done with accompanying documentation. The standard quality documents that we issue for the client are: Quality Certificate, Test Report, Material Certificate. We issue as well other type of accompanying documentation meeting the client’s requirements.5. Simplicity, clarity, thoroughness.
The documentation supporting the separate activities and the records created following the procedures according to ISO 9001 requirements, ensure the necessary process identification and traceability. In addition, we have defined clear and easy to understand quality instructions and requirements. Production instructions from Quality Management System are aimed at the personnel and effective production, not at bureaucracy satisfaction.
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